Only through inactive action does one become a victim; by exercising proactive action against evil one walks in their own power creating resistance to that which chooses to destroy humanity and the preciousness of life. Fight America; don't become a victim to the evil that is destroying our world! _Donald F. Truax (Tough times don't last, tough people do)
Thursday, Sept 11, 2014 - [[[[[[[[[[[ Reality Check More Americans Rethinking 9/11 ]]]]]]]]]]
Thursday, Sept 11, 2014 - [[[[[[[[[[[ Reality Check More Americans Rethinking 9/11 ]]]]]]]]]]
Cost of War to the United States
Is the NSA Conducting Electronic Warfare On Americans?
Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy - National Security Archive FOIA Audit
Seymour Hersh on Obama, NSA and the 'pathetic' American media - IBM & "Death's Calculator"
What is the Hegelian Dialectic? - The Guardian's NSA Files - Church Committee Reports
The Hegelian Dialectic - U.S. Pavlovian Conditioning - NUREMBERG TRAILS PROJECT
Hegel for Beginners, by Llyod Spencer and Andrzej Krauze - Project MUSE - Operation Gladio
The Edward Bernays "Propaganda" Essays - SLHS Series
Free E-Book Download: Edward Bernays, "Propaganda"
Deconstructing Edward Bernays' 'Propaganda' (Part 1) - (Part 4) - (Part 7) - (Part 10)
Deconstructing Edward Bernays' 'Propaganda' (Part 2) - (Part 5) - (Part 8)
Deconstructing Edward Bernays' 'Propaganda' (Part 3) - (Part 6) - (Part 9)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
$tAtE CrImE$ AgAiN$t DeMoCrAcY ($CAD$)
1. What are State Crimes Against Democracy (SCADs)?
I coined the term “State Crimes Against Democracy” in a peer-reviewed article published by Administrative Theory & Praxis, the journal of the Public Administration Theory Network. SCADs are defined as “concerted actions or inactions by government insiders intended to manipulate democratic processes and undermine popular sovereignty.” Until recently, scholarly research on political criminality has given little attention to antidemocratic conspiracies in high office, focusing instead on graft, bribery, embezzlement, and other forms of government corruption where the aim is personal enrichment rather than social control, partisan advantage, or political power. However, SCADs are far more dangerous to democracy than these other, more mundane forms of political criminality because of their potential to subvert political institutions and entire governments or branches of government.
2. What are some examples of SCADs in recent U.S. history?
Examples of SCADs that have been officially proven include the Watergate break-ins and cover up; the secret wars in Laos and Cambodia; the illegal arms sales and covert operations in Iran-Contra; and the effort to discredit Joseph Wilson by revealing his wife's status as an intelligence agent. Examples of suspected SCADs include the fabricated attacks on U.S. ships in the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964; the "October Surprises" in the presidential elections of 1968 and 1980; the assassinations of John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King; the attempted assassinations of George Wallace and Ronald Reagan; the election breakdowns in 2000 and 2004; the numerous defense failures on 9-11-2001; the anthrax mailings in October 2001; and the misrepresentation of intelligence to justify the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
3. Are suspicions about SCADs “conspiracy theories”?
The concept of State Crimes against Democracy was developed, in part, to replace the term "conspiracy theory.” The conspiracy-theory literature about assassinations, 9/11, and other suspicious events has generally examined each event in isolation. The SCAD construct was introduced to move inquiry beyond incident-specific theorizing. It delineates a crime category comparable to white collar crime, organized crime, and hate crime. SCAD research looks for patterns across events. The objective is to develop (a) an empirically grounded theory of elite political criminality, (b) forensic methods for SCAD detection and investigation, and (c) political reforms to discourage SCADs from being committed in the first place.
4. Why are SCADs difficult to detect?
SCADs are usually complex conspiracies involving people with expertise in law, law enforcement, and police procedures. Ordinary crimes are often solved by pressuring criminals to inform on one another, but this may be impossible with SCADs because they are often organized like covert intelligence operations. Each element of the operation is compartmentalized, and information about participant roles is shared only on a need-to-know basis.
5. Why are SCAD suspects seldom convicted and punished? [TIs Head UP!]
One reason SCADs often go unpunished is that the agencies assigned to investigate what may be high crimes often bear some blame or have some connection to the events in question; hence, personnel in these agencies are inevitably tempted to conceal evidence that would implicate or embarrass the agencies or their top managers. In the investigation of the assassination of President Kennedy, for example, both the FBI and the CIA concealed evidence of their contacts with Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby (Talbot, 2007). Likewise, in response to the inquiry into the defense failures surrounding 9-11, the Department of Defense appears to have withheld from the 9-11 Commission evidence that military intelligence agents had uncovered the 9-11 hijackers' activities well in advance of September 2001. SCAD investigations and prosecutions are also impeded by Presidential pardons and commutations. Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon without even allowing a full investigation into all of Nixon's possible crimes. Similarly, George H.W. Bush pardoned the Iran-Contra conspirators and effectively prevented further investigation of his own role in the affair. George W. Bush appears to have had similar motives with respect to Scooter Libby. In commuting Libby's sentence rather than issuing a pardon, Bush made it impossible for Congress to compel Libby's testimony in any further inquiry into Plame's exposure......continued.
"And Ye Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Set You Free"
Love "Light" and Energy
References: Sign The Petition Here
Beyond Conspiracy Theory: Patterns of High Crime in American Government
The Guardian Elite: Delivered at the 2010 Public Administration Theory Network conference in Omaha.
Interview broadcast on Black Ops Radio on August 5, 2010, focusing on the disputed 2000 presidential election but also addressing other SCADs.
The SCAD construct is developed in the following articles:
"When Political Crimes Are Inside Jobs: Detecting State Crimes Against Democracy," Administrative Theory & Praxis, Vol. 28: No. 3. (September 2006), pp. 330-355.
“Conjuring the Holographic State: Scripting Security Doctrine for a (New) World of Disorder,” (Matthew Witt is lead author). Administration & Society, October 2008, Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 547-585.
"Preventing State Crimes against Democracy" (with Matthew Witt), Administration & Society, 41(5), (September 2009), pp. 527-550.
"Beyond Conspiracy Theory: Patterns of High Crime in American Government." American Behavioral Scientist, 53(6), (February 2010), pp. 795-825.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
MiCrOwAvE HaRaSsMeNt - MiNd CoNtrOl ExPeRiMeNtAtIoN
This is the only known interview by Julianne McKinney, a former army intelligence officer who has labored to expose electronic harassment and mind control torture of many, many thousands of victims world-wide.
In introduction, investigative journalist Greg Syzmanski comments that "after an extensive career in US Army Intelligence as an area intelligence officer, on return to civilian life Julianne McKinney became a member of the Association of National Security Alumni, an organization of former intelligence officers dedicated to exposing excesses by the US intelligence services.
Appointed as director of the electronic surveillance project, in 1991 Julianne authored the publication "Microwave Harassment and Mind Control Experimentation", still recognized today as one of the most authoritative documents on the subject.
Within the interview, Julianne McKinney makes the frightening observation that the ultimate objective may be "to control and choreograph those who are involved in these harassment operations on the dispensing end. And it would appear that those being targeted are simply objects, whom I see as ultimately being disposable. In other words, I think that once full control is established over a major percentage of the population, and enough of the population is silenced and unwilling to stick their necks out, we would inevitably be heading towards a HOLOCAUST."
"And Ye Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Set You Free"
Love "Light" and Energy
Index to Articles
Mind Control Objectives
Letter to President Clinton
Julianne McKinney Interview For Download
The Classic Mind Control Operation Revealed
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
ThE ViLlAgE VoICe'$ NYPD TaPE$ On ThI$ AmErICaN LiFe (Audio)
We may not have been noted by certain other New York media outlets for Graham Rayman's groundbreaking series, The NYPD Tapes, but there's one outlet that did manage to get the story of Graham's story correct: NPR and Chicago Public Radio's long-running, cult-following fueled This American Life, who did an entire segment on The NYPD Tapes this weekend.
This American Life, Episode 414, "Right to Remain Silent," is described on their site thusly:
Stories about people who have the right to remain silent... but choose not to exercise that right - including police officer Adrian Schoolcraft, who secretly recorded his supervisors telling officers to manipulate crime statistics and make illegal arrests. The Village Voice series that broke Schoolcraft's story is here. Schoolcraft's website looking for other cops to come forward is here.
And you can listen to the entire thing right here:
414: Right to Remain Silent [Right Click - Save As]
Congratulations to Graham Rayman on his series, which continues to break news, which you can find right here on Runnin' Scared.
"And Ye Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Set You Free"
Love "Light" and Energy
Secret Tape, NY Police Press Ticket Quotas
References: Second scandal in a week rocks New York cops 10.30.2011
Uniform Crime Reports
Adrian Schoolcraft News
Adrian Schoolcraft: Are the Feds in the Wings?
NYPD Tapes 1: Inside Bed-Stuy's 81st Precinct
NYPD Tapes 2: Reduce Crime By Arresting Citizens For Nothing
NYPD Tapes 3: A Detective Comes Forward About Downgraded Sexual Assaults
NYPD Tapes 4: The WhistleBlower, Adrian Schoolcraft
NYPD Tapes 5: The Corroboration
Saturday, September 11, 2010
NYT Pu$hE$ CoNFrOnTaTiOn WiTh IrAn - By Robert Parry
Apparently having learned no lessons from the Iraq WMD debacle, the New York Times is pushing for a heightened confrontation with Iran, slipping into the same kind of hysteria that it and other major U.S. news organizations displayed in 2002 and 2003.
In its latest neocon-styled editorial – commenting on a new critical report about Iran’s growing truculence toward nuclear inspectors – the Times concluded with this judgment:“Tehran, predictably, insists it is not building a [nuclear] weapon. Its refusal to halt enrichment and cooperate with the I.A.E.A. [International Atomic Energy Agency] makes that ever more impossible to believe.”
Beyond the grammatical point that “impossible” like “unique” is an absolute adjective that can’t be modified, the Times misses the point that its previous over-the-top hostility toward Iran – evidenced in its news columns as well as its opinion pages – has helped create the dynamic that is driving the standoff over Iran’s nuclear program to a crisis point.
Amazingly, the Washington Post, usually an even more reliably neocon bastion than the Times, offered a more thoughtful assessment in its own Friday editorial on the same topic. The Post noted that the most promising area for negotiation with Iran was its past willingness to swap some of its low-enriched uranium for more highly enriched isotopes for medical purposes.
But the Post observed that delays in reaching an agreement over a proposed swap of 1,200 kilograms of low-enriched uranium – combined with the steady increase in Iran’s stockpile – “has greatly complicated the prospects.”
The Post said that “when the deal was first proposed, Iran would have given up more than two-thirds of its stockpile and would have been left with less than the amount needed for one bomb. To achieve the same effect, Tehran would now have to be induced to nearly double the amount of low-enriched uranium it turned over.”
The Post noted that Iran currently has enough low-enriched uranium to build two nuclear bombs, if it chose to bring the refinement up to much higher levels and committed itself to design and construct a nuclear weapon.
However, what the Post – and the Times – don’t mention in their two lead editorials is that they and their neocon friends were instrumental in frustrating President Barack Obama’s initial efforts to reach an agreement on the fuel swap last year and that they then helped sabotage a parallel deal negotiated by the leaders of Brazil and Turkey earlier this year.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva persuaded Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to accept the swap agreement in May, completing the negotiations that the Obama administration had begun...continued.
So, this is where the biased journalism of the Times and the Post -- especially regarding Iran’s 2009 election (click here or here for details) -- has led the world, to the brink of another Middle East conflict.
Having brushed aside the disaster in Iraq and the related bungled war in Afghanistan, the neocons and their allies appear to remain the chief arbiters and the leading architects of U.S. foreign policy.
"And Ye Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Set You Free"
Love "Light" and Energy
9/11 and America’s Secret Terror Campaign Part III
9/11 and America’s Secret Terror Campaign Part II - I
The use of third party advocates or front groups for the dissemination of US government propaganda is well documented: JSOU: Covert Blogs & Military Information Strategy
More U.S. B.U.L.L.S.H.I.T.:The Secret Files 9/11 Investigators Missed LOL LOL LOL
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