Between 1962-1963 the Senate Foreign Relations Committee subpoenaed internal reports of the American Zionist Council during its investigation into the activities of registered agents of foreign principals. They discovered that more than $5 million in tax exempt (and possibly overseas donations) had been laundered through the Jewish Agency's American Section into the American Zionist Council. The Jewish Agency functioned as a quasi-branch of the Israeli government, received Israeli government funding, and was able to review legislation before it went to the Knesset under its Covenant Agreement.
This violated IRS regulations on the use of tax exempt charitable funds and the 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act.
The following reports detail how the American Zionist Council used the funding in a sophisticated campaign to cajole and intimidate news media, subvert open debate about Israel and undermine reporting about key issues of the day such as Israel's Dimona nuclear weapons facility, operation Susannah terror attacks on the United States, and the return of Arab refugees to their homes. The AZC tracked and targeted professors and engaged in covert operations obliquely referred to in the following internal reports.
After the Justice Department ordered the American Zionist Council to register as a foreign agent in late 1962, it transferred responsibilities to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which refuses to register as a foreign agent of the Israeli government.
On May 19, 1970, the Dow Jones Observer reported, "In 1963 the Senate Foreign Relations Committee investigated the Jewish Agency and uncovered a 'conduit' operation run by an organization called the American Zionist Council. Over an eight-year period, this council received more than $5,000,000 from the Jewish Agency to create favorable public opinion in this country for Israeli government policies. The Senate investigation closed down the conduit, but the extensive propaganda activities still go on."
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11-12/1960: "During this two-month period, there was considerable editorial and news comment dealing with many issues affecting Israel and the Middle East. While the preponderance of this material concerned itself with Israel's new nuclear reactor, the following items were dealt with in more than passing fashion: (1) Arab refugees (the issue was again before the U.N. General Assembly; (2) The Eichmann case (some of the opposition forces are still at it); (3) Israel's aid to the African nations (almost everybody in America should be aware of this aid by now; and (4) seating of the UAR in the Security Council (a number of papers attacked it).
01/19/1961: Mrs. Moses P. Epstein, Chairman of the AZC Department of Information and Public Relations issues material for Israel's thirteenth anniversary PR, including draft proclamations for governors and mayors to declare the week of April 20 "Israel Independence Week".
01-02/1961: "The opposition groups took the initiative, as in the past, via letters to the editor on such subjects as BG's (David Ben-Gurion) speech on Aliyah, the Eichmann case, Israel's reactor, the Lavon affair and Israel's 'discrimination' against its minorities. Among the more prominent letter writers were Hans Kohn, Edna Ferber, and Hamilton Fish."
04/03/1961: AZC Department of Information and Public Relations memo addressed to Executive Directors of Zionist Groups and Select New York Area List.
"On Wednesday evening, April 5, at 7:3- PM, WCBS-TV will telecast a one-hour documentary on 'Eichmann and Israel'. Dr. Nahum Goldmann, Dr. Joachim Prinz and Dr. John Slawson are among the interviewees on the American scene. It should be noted that these men were taped for the program without the knowledge that Rabbi Elmer Berger of the American Council for Judaism would also be on the program."
04/11/1961: AZC organizes tours of Israel through the American Christian Palestine Committee Study Tour. "We, therefore, turn to you once again to help in the selection of a suitable man or woman of some stature in your community who can upon his return help interpret Israel to the general community. An educator, religious leader, editor, or civic leader who is generally sympathetic to the aims of Israel, but one in need of greater knowledge of Middle East problems, would make the ideal tour participant."
05/1961: Budgetary Digest of the American Zionist Council
"The AZC was formerly financed by the Jewish Agency for Israel, but this financial support was to cease at March 31, 1961. The source of this Jewish Agency support of the AZC was the UJA which is finance by Welfare Funds. The AZC is seeking direct support from Welfare Funds since the reorganization of the Jewish Agency for Israel, Inc. in 1960 resulted in the separation of AZC activities from the basic program of immigrant aid which will continue to be financed by the Jewish Agency for Israel. This separation was in line with the principal that decisions and support of domestic activities should be made by the American Jewish community rather than by an international agency."
05/19/1961: Mrs. Moses P. Epstein, Chairman of the AZC Department of Information and Public Relations issues guidance on the Adolf Eichmann trial. "It became necessary almost from the start, therefore, to conduct an educational campaign on the Eichmann issue to reach molders of public opinion throughout the country, stressing the moral issues involved..." "Please continue to monitor the press in your area, including the church press, for comments on the Eichmann trial."
09-10/1961: Department of Information and Public Relations. "Very little comment appeared editorially on the Israeli Arabs who were shot in crossing the border into Egypt...There was a slight lessening of hostile letters to the editor." "Israel fared extremely well during this period, with five or six major articles in the top publications: Atlantic Monthly, Reader's Digest, Look, Holiday, Saturday Review...Our Magazine Committee continues to be active in the planning and placement of articles..."
09/27/1961: AZC Department of Information and Public Relations memo addressed to Local Zionist Council Chairmen. "The current issue of The Atlantic, now on the newsstands, features a 20-page article on 'The Arabs of Palestine" which is one of the best articles on the subject yet to be written. This piece, coming from the pen of Martha Gellhorn, celebrated journalist, novelist and war correspondent, assumes added significance in view of the discussion of this issue which will take place at this session of the U.S. General Assembly."
11-12/1961: 'Hundreds of editorials appeared in the press commenting on the Eichmann verdict; about 6% of those were highly critical of Israel (in such major papers as the Cincinnati Enquirer, Tulsa Tribune, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Salt Lake City Tribune, and Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch)...40% of the press...opposed the death sentence, 20% suggested the trial should have been held by an international tribunal. Almost all papers, however, agreed that Eichmann received a fair trial..."
02-05/1962: American Zionist Council Calendar of Speaking Engagements.
06/01/1962: AZC Area Southern Office reports activities between September 1, 1961 through May 31, 1962. "The Southern Area Office of AZC has also cooperated with Consulates of Israel in Atlanta, Georgia and Dallas, Texas in setting up speaking engagements for the Consuls and Vice-Consuls before non-Jewish groups in a number of communities. These are: Asheville, Mobile, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Little Rock, Lubbock, Montgomery."
10/30/1962: AZC Department of Information report to the AZC Executive Committee. "part of the work of the original Council had now been taken over by the Kenen Committee which was charged with political action ..greater emphasis is now put on a more subtle approach, which, through positive presentation of Israel's accomplishments, aims and purpose—and by counter-attack of the many enemies of Israel and the Zionist movement—helps create a favorable image of Israel and the Zionist movement."
Archive: On November 21, 1962 the Department of Justice orders the American Zionist Council to register as an Israeli foreign agent.
11/29/1962: AZC president Jerome Unger memo centralizes all public relations activities. "Beginning immediately and extending through April 30, 1963 we have engaged Mr. Ernest Barbarash to conduct the 'internal public relations' activities of the AZC...You may submit your material and requests directly to Mr. Barbarash or channel them through my office, as you desire...it is rare that we are concerned with this kind of need suddenly..."
12/10/1962: "We know that community leaders, as well as Christian public opinion molders, who are actively engaged in the creation of a better understanding of Israel and the Middle East have found the Near East Report an important and vital source of information....Unfortunately, we must now inform you that the Council is no longer in a position to continue this service..."
"And Ye Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Set You Free"
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References: AIPAC, Espionage and the US-Israel Free Trade Agreement
Stealth PACs - Real Insiders
American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Human Rights group's explosive Nazis in America report
51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis
Some of these documents were published in English decades ago, but are only now seeing the light of day. Others are being translated into English for the first time. Included are documents from Propaganda Minister Goebbels' newspaper, Der Angriff, detailing an SS-man's visit to Palestine as the Zionists' guest. Readers will also learn about Adolf Eichmann's account of his personal dealings with the Hungarian Zionist Rezsö Kasztner, who was later assassinated in Israel as a Nazi collaborator who betrayed 400,000 Hungarian Jews.
Also revealed is pro-Zionist propaganda put out by the Nazis, such as a medal for getting Jews to Palestine and a Nazi board game where the object is to move Jews to Palestine. The documents contained in this book were selected with due care so that a rounded picture of history emerges. The author concludes that Zionism betrayed the Jews; and the evidence that led him to that conclusion is contained in this book. This book shows that the consequences of Zionism demand exposure.
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