Caveat: Corruption [also Deception and Mimicry], that is the insertion of intentionally misleading information; corruption amounts to mimicking a known signal so well, that a receiver cannot distinguish the deceptive signal from the real signal.
But Senator.....don't be fooled; there's more to this than just a "payroll" contract scandal. If one exercises "discernment" they can deduce the "real" and "hidden" golden nugget here in that listed contracts are often nothing more than "front" contracts constructed to hide the real intended purpose of the said contract.
Specifically, it's just not the fact that a "contract(s)" existed in NYC prior to 9/11 which is key, but, as they say "things aren't always what they seem" ;)
Pay attention to the "Covert Bloggers Keyboard PeRpS" whilst they chirp chirp chirp.
Effectively, we now can see the "spin" machine at play to obfuscate:
The objective throughout, accordingly, has always been to keep the public in a state of uncertainly, where everything about these events is believable and nothing is knowable, which is the ultimate objective of disinformation.
Steven Pearlstein: How could SAIC miss this? (The Washington Post - Sat Apr 21)
It was just last June that SAIC executives and directors first informed shareholders that there might be a little $2.5 million overbilling problem with the contract and that federal prosecutors had brought criminal charges against six employees of an SAIC subcontractor. Shareholders had to read deep into Note 9 of that quarterly report to learn that there might be “a reasonable possibility of additional exposure to loss that is not currently estimable” that “could have a material adverse impact” on the company’s finances.
It was just six months ago that SAIC got around to firing the three executives (CityTime was expected to cost $63 million when it was begun in 1998, when the city awarded a competitive contract to a subsidiary of MCI. But the cost ballooned tenfold as the undertaking grew into what prosecutors say became an international conspiracy with lead contractors earning kickbacks for each hour worked by consultants, resulting in unneeded staff and inflated hours billed to the city. Much of the fervent drive to install the system could be traced to one powerful administration insider: the budget director, Mark Page. A veteran bureaucrat and descendant of the financier J. P. Morgan.) who were supposed to oversee the New York operations and letting shareholders know that the board of directors had formed a special committee and hired a couple of law firms to get to the bottom of things.
And it was a month ago that SAIC, acknowledging its responsibility in failing to detect a bribery and kickback conspiracy going on right under its corporate nose, agreed to repay the city $500 million of the $635 million it had received for the completed CityTime system. The settlement will allow SAIC to avoid criminal prosecution and the almost certain debarment from government contracting work that would follow.deduce:
Most significantly, the vast majority of the work on the CityTime project was done not by SAIC employees but by employees and consultants at TechnoDyne under a no-bid, single-source subcontract that violated SAIC’s procedures, doubled the number of people working on the project and generated billing rates that ran as high as $160 an hour.
The Rise of the Vulcans:
During the summer of 1998, George W. Bush met with Condoleezza Rice at the behest of George H.W. Bush at the Bush estate in Kennebunkport, Maine. Rice had been director for Soviet and East European Affairs of the National Security Council under Brent Scowcroft during George H. W. Bush's administration and Scowcroft had been guiding her career ever since, ensuring she came to the attention of Bush Sr. "Eventually he was quite taken with her," Scowcroft recalled in an interview by James Mann for his book Rise of the Vulcans (2004).
According to Coit D. Blacker, Rice and George W. Bush also "bonded at Kennebunkport" in August 1998.[1] The several days of discussions that followed resulted in Rice agreeing to take charge of foreign policy for George W. Bush’s upcoming presidential campaign. Later that year Paul Wolfowitz, a former protégé of George Shultz and Dick Cheney, was taken on as well. Wolfowitz had also served as foreign policy advisor to Bob Dole during the 1996 U.S. presidential election. In early 1999, a team largely drawn from the middle echelons of the first Bush administration began to act as foreign policy advisors to George W. Bush
Spherion Will Takes it's London Subsidary Public - January 20, 2001
The Spherion Corporation (Spherion consultants are now at the heart of the criminal case), a recruitment and consulting company based in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., said yesterday that it planned to take its London-based subsidiary, the Michael Page Group, public in an initial public offering that analysts expect to raise $:800 million ($1.2 billion). Spherion acquired Michael Page in 1997 for $578 million. Spherion said it expected to sell an 85 percent stake in the unit to institutions and brokerage firms and use the proceeds to buy back its own stock.
FBI found direct ties between 9/11 hijackers/Saudis living in Florida - ribit ribit ribit
In addition, three of the four future hijackers had lived in Venice — just 10 miles from the house — for much of the year before 9/11. Atta, the leader, and his companion Marwan al-Shehhi, had been learning to fly small airplanes at Huffman Aviation, a flight school on the edge of the runway at Venice Municipal Airport.
A block away, at Florida Flight Training, accomplice Ziad Jarrah was also taking flying lessons. All three obtained their pilot licenses and afterwards, in the months that led to 9/11, spent much of their time traveling the state, including stints in Hollywood, Fort Lauderdale and Delray Beach, among other areas.
W.H.A.T....are you kidding me? Hmm...I guess I'm not the only TI?
VARs Flee from Massive NYC Fraud Case
VAR Executives Flee Country After Indictments In New York Corruption CaseTwo executives from a former VAR500 company have fled the country after being indicted as part of an investigation into a New York City payroll project, according to reports.
Reddy Allen, CEO, and his wife Padma Allen, president and CFO, ran TechnoDyne, a Wayne, N.J.-based VAR that allegedly received more than $400 million as a subcontractor in the city's now infamous CityTime payroll project, fled several weeks ago to their native India after being subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury, according to the New York Daily News.
TechnoDyne was No. 295 on CRN's 2010 VAR500, and Padma Allen was previously named in CRN's Diverse 100 list last year. On May 31, the company shut down and fired all employees, according to Newsday. Phone calls to TechnoDyne's Wayne, N.J., office were not answered.
SAIC Technodyne CityTime Scoop (Thanks Suzanna :)
(How Spherion’s performance was rated by Mr. Bondy had potential implications for the company’s ability to stay on the job and to win future city work.
Mr. Bondy, records show, was deeply impressed with the company’s work. According to two years of evaluations, for the periods from February 2008 through 2009, made available through a state Freedom of Information Law request, he gave the firm an overall rating of excellent, the highest possible level, for its work on CityTime.
And for each of the three areas covered in the evaluations, including fiscal administration and accountability, Mr. Bondy wrote the same seven-word comment in praise of Spherion: “The contractor’s work has consistently exceeded expectations.”)
Jellybean is one of the managers under Denault. At least 4 other managers under Denault will be implicated and Technodyne.... look out for them
Spherion lost track of it's responsibilities and afraid of losing consultants to DA Solutions and Primeview ignored the red flags and went along with " the application is doing well and on track..."
Now lets look at the "big picture" that the public doesn't have a clue about:
Applying OPSEC to Govt Acquisitions as of 26/Oct/2010 [.pdf]
P111 Applying OPSEC to U.S. Government Contracts as of 2001 [.pdf]p.14-#8 states: Effectively obtaining these goods and services ofter "requires effective management of a complex acquisition system encompassing the design, engineering, construction, testing, deployment, sustainment, and disposal of weapons or related items acquired under contract".
The DoD Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) identifies and validates DoD capability requirements through a document known as the Initial Capabilities Document (ICD)
The Defense Acquisition Management System (DAMS) seeks out the best material acquisition alternatives and strategies for fulfilling the ICD requirement communicated by the JCIDS in accordance with the law (FAR DoDI 5000.1/5000.2)
The DOD Acquisition Management System (DAMS); DAMS consist of five "discreet phases":
1. Material Solution Analysis Phase (MSA)
2. Technology Development Phase (TD)
3. Engineering and Manufacturing Development Phase (EMD)
4. Production and Deployment Phase (PD)
5. Operations and Maintenance Phase (OM)
It's important to note this outlay is as of 2006, but, the point here is twofold. First pay attention to the sequence (more on that later), the second one is that classified projects are usually hidden behind "front" projects.
DoD Infosec
JCIDS was developed under the direction of US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
Reverse engineer this directive: Robots Scour WTC Wreckage - The New Mobile Infantry
Coincidentally, the story of Special Forces expert John Blitch and "'Ground Zero'" began on the first day of his employment with SAIC: September 11, 2001. According to Wired magazine, on 9/11/01 John Blitch happened to be leaving his position as a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army's Special Forces to direct the Center for Intelligent Robotics and Unmanned Systems at the Science Applications International Corporation facility in Colorado. John Blitch had been charged by the U.S. Army's Special Forces with heading the Defense Department's Tactical Mobile Robots Program within the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, over the preceding three years.
According to Kevin Ryan, John Blitch had also been in his U.S. Army career chief of unmanned systems at the U.S. Special Operations Command (US SOCOM), a Command which conducts ' "covert and clandestine missions" ', and John Blitch had also won an award for his 'ground-breaking research in robot assisted search and rescue conducted during the Oklahoma City Bombing response.' According the Association for Computing Machinery, John Blitch used his Oklahoma City research to 'develop many of the robot platforms that were eventually used at the WTC.'
As stated in The Ominous Parallels Report: (link b)Listed below are tactics that these CRIMINALS use to retain their “Plausible Deniability”:
Scientific Suggestion: Purpose is to conceal their actions.
Tactic of Replacement: Philosophical view that is used as “bait” to induce the collective to look in another direction i.e. to induce targets to spend their energy in the wrong direction, while the hidden plan un-folds.
Tactic of Counterfeits: When “truth” becomes evident, “others” ideals and symbols are employed for a defense, which, is a delay tactic that allows time to reconstruct a “false truth” leading a reaction in another direction.
Tactic of Inversion: To flip or discredit “proper” ideals that might appear relative, thereby putting the “proper” ideal in a condition that no longer poses a threat.
Tactic of Ricochet: To induce “targets” to take action against another “target” that eventually “ricochets” back on the original “target”, while THEY watch each target destroy each other.
Tactic of Scape Goat: To shift attention onto “other elements” those who are not responsible, thereby directing the reaction against “other elements”.
Tactic of Dilution: Mixing with something else.
Tactic of Surrogates: To act through “others”.
Progress of Dissolution: Processes of dissolving “death”.
Redirection of Action: Mixing “other elements into action, thereby stopping action against the threat posed to themselves.
Tactic of Deliberate Misidentification of a principle with its representatives: To discredit a representative of a given principle thereby discrediting the principle. This tactic employees “character assassination”.
Tactic of Replacing Infiltrations: A Trojan horse, employed to infiltrate an organization or person for the purpose of subversive control or distraction of said target.
WAKE UP AMERICA!!!....Its "OUR" country!!!
Love "Light" and Energy
References: Leaking War - ribit ribit ribit
Do we need another 9/11 conspiracy theory?
SAIC predicts layoffs with $1.2 trillion in federal cuts
Company on City’s Payroll Project Fires Three
The New York Times: SAIC Inc. (CYAsses)
Deception-IWC7-2006-BA [.pdf]
Covert Bloggers Keyboard PeRpS [.pdf]
Steven Pearlstein: How could SAIC miss this?
Spherion Will Takes it's London Subsidary Public - January 20, 2001
FBI found direct ties between 9/11 hijackers/Saudis living in Florida
VARs Flee from Massive NYC Fraud Case
SAIC Technodyne CityTime Scoop (Thanks Suzanna - hardy har har? :)
Applying OPSEC to Govt Acquisitions as of 26/Oct/2010 [.pdf]
P111 Applying OPSEC to U.S. Government Contracts [.pdf]
JCIDS was developed under the direction of US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
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